Thursday, February 14, 2013

The truth about my losing and gaining weight...

When I was a teen we played a "game" involving several questions in which you were to answer what you perceived as the "ideal age" for various major life events, marriage, having children, even death. With that in mind I have an anticipated, I dare say longed for, expiration date, as my idea of the "ideal age" for death has not changed. This number is much earlier than most might consider, yet I still believe it the "ideal." If everything were lined up and exactly as I hoped in life I would still consider this number the "perfect" age to shake off this earthly coil.

That being said, I have not tried to lose weight in hopes of better health or longer life. Granted I believe a certain lack of pounds may ease some pain I experience on a regular basis, I don't see that as the same thing as better health. The problem with this is that I want to lose weight to look better. Why? I don't know. It's not as though I'm on the hunt for a significant other. As I've said before, I'm very uncomfortable in the company of men so the likelihood of my "going on the prowl" is very slim. Yet I'd like to believe someone might find me attractive and "fat me" just doesn't buy that notion. I find it interesting that some people can be overweight and still attractive, I'm NOT one of those people.

Why have I said all this? Well, in the last couple of years I've managed to lose over sixty pounds, and kept it off for a length of time, only to regain nearly all of it in recent months. The problem is that, other than in my face, I didn't/don't see the difference. My body looked the same either way. So why bother losing it again? If I don't see a difference and there's no-one specific I'm trying to lure, or keep, and I have this, perceived, expiration date, why work so hard to lose the weight? So I look better when I reach the crematorium?

I don't know. I'm pretty sure, unless it's by my own hand, I'll not achieve that expiration date. I don't see a difference fatter or lighter. So why stress it? There are so many other things about which I can lose sleep. Health, weight, and age, hardly seem relevant.