Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Swords into plowshares...

The elections are over and, whether or not you agree, the people have spoken.

I don't claim to completely understand or agree with the electoral college process especially as it seems counterintuitive to the "popular vote," but it is how it's done and as far as what I've seen so far tonight seems to reflect the popular vote.

I have in light of tonight's events seen poor sportsmanship on the part of members of both parties. Disparaging remarks made about and toward the "losing" party, and the wailing and bemoaning of said party. The gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes, as it were, as die hard Romney supporters bemoan Obama's re-election.

Like him or not, he is our President for another 4 years. I would respect the office regardless of its inhabitant but will concede it's easier to respect the President when he is your choice and you are able to agree with more of his policies. Nonetheless, I offer my support to whomever takes office in whatever way possible.

That being said, I wholeheartedly believe if we have any hope of repairing what is wrong in this country we must set aside our political differences, get behind the President, and do what we can to advance progress, and improvement. We don't have to agree with all his policies, decisions, or actions, but we don't have to disagree and fight him at every turn either, just because he may not have been our personal choice.

A friend said it best as polls were just closing and numbers were only beginning to come in, I hope they won't mind my quoting them: "Who is this "them" and "us" matter who the winner is we are all Americans. It is no one's business but my own who I voted for, but one thing for sure is that if you didn't vote for who I did I don't consider you to be "them"....sad."

There is no "them" and "us," only "we the people" all the people, the citizens of this great country in which ALL men are created equal and all bear a responsibility to uphold that which we hold sacred, without influence of our political or religious beliefs or any other personal bias.

So now that the elections are over and the victor has been declared let us beat our swords into plowshares, roll up our sleeves, band together and press onward!

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