Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Beginning...

I've long contemplated the idea of a blog. A place to air my meanderings, perhaps completely anonymously. So here it begins. Yes, it begins anonymously...for now.

This is both an experiment and a construction site.

An experiment because I've set out to begin writing on a more regular basis. Primarily because it's cathartic but also because I have been encouraged of late by some dear friends to reacquaint myself with what was, at one time, a precious resource for 'letting off steam.'

There was a day when writing was the only place I could release, and examine, my true self. Writing was an escape. Not necessarily from reality but from the 'demons' my self deprecation would allow to roam my brain.

I am a, self-professed, hopeless romantic. Not only when it comes to things of the heart, but of life in general and the world in which we live. I envision a place where equal rights are no longer a question in ANYONE's life but are indeed rights with no queries or provisos. Yet on a smaller scale I still dream of one day being swept off my feet.

I hope to explore many aspects of my life here. Not just the heavy topics or the 'political.' (I have found of late I'm far more political than I ever imagined) Art, music, interests beyond my 'therapy.' In hopes that not only I, but you the reader, can leave here refreshed and renewed, and maybe a little better educated, about ourselves and those around us. Ready to go on with our days with a positive image of life and where we're going to take it!

A construction site because I'm new at this from both the sharing aspect as well as the idea of setting up such a venture. I still have a lot of kinks to work out. At this point, especially with the page layout and visibility.

So join me on this venture, if you dare.

Incidentally, Kana Sofer is a transliteration of the Hebrew for humble scribe.

I remain your,
Kana Sofer

1 comment:

  1. Am liking your blog! It may be day one, but am looking forward to much more inspirational writings from the humble scribe.
