Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The truth about cats and dogs...

I have a baby whom I absolutely adore. He is nearly fifteen years old and was adopted at the age of two. He had personality issues when we adopted him but we have embraced him flaws and all. A pet is a lifetime commitment. While their lives may not be as long as ours they are a part of us forever. Specifically, he will hold a large and special place in my heart far beyond his mortal years. I fear and dread the day I no longer wake to his love and companionship, no matter how he may at times annoy me. Much like a toddler he can get the best of me but he is my baby and I will ALWAYS love him. He is a spoiled rotten, mini dachshund.

That being said, I wish pet parents would adopt their animal children and give them all the love, attention, and care that they need and deserve. If you choose to adopt don't make your pet the neighbor's problem, keep tabs on your babies and keep them from interfering with the neighbors.

We have neighbors behind us who have taken to throwing their dogs business over our fence. Yes, I have a dog and you may assume that I'll not notice a little extra to clean up but you'd be wrong. My baby won't go in the grass and his mess is cleaned up after each occurrence. This, however, is not the worst offence.

We have neighbors with multiple cats who are allowed to roam the neighborhood. I have only recently learned to whom these cats belong. They have long terrorised our property, killing rodents, lizards, and birds, and leaving their parts about the yard. Terrorising the birdfeeders and, I'll admit with much grace and agility, stalking, hunting, and killing the birds. In one fluid movement they can jump into the air and land with a poor, defenseless bird in their teeth, sending countless others crashing into the sliding glass doors.

But today is the ultimate in aggravation! Having spent several hours, and dollars, planting new florals in a large section of the garden I went out to discover that the cats have dug large holes in the bed and uprooted several of the new plants.

As a rule I'm an animal lover but thoughts of murder crossed my mind as I viewed the many beheaded flowers and bare roots laying about the garden.

So do us all a favour, if you have cats keep them indoors. If you take your pet for a walk, clean up after them. If your pet should escape your yard do your utmost to rapidly retrieve them. And for the sake of your babies have their vaccines current and have them microchipped so that you can quickly be reunited with your baby and he/she will not have to suffer an extended stay, or worse, in some cold, cruel, shelter.

They love us unconditionally. Don't they deserve the best we can give them!

1 comment:

  1. Putting a little cayenne pepper in the flowerbeds where the cats have dug will keep them from doing it again.....and it won't hurt the little darlings. When I was dealing with this problem, I just sprinkled cayenne lightly throughout the flowerbed, it really did work.Hopefully your baby doesn't do too much sniffing around the flowerbeds, it will make them sneeze....just a thought ;) Iyob Filiae
