Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gay for pay...

Admittedly there's not much I care to watch on television. With the yelling, backstabbing, and obvious editing for drama, reality shows have never held any merit. I very rarely make it beyond the first season no matter how much I like a show, in fact, I can  name only 2 shows I have ever watched beyond one season, although I have a couple shows this season which will probably make it to my 2 season viewing scope.

So that probably means I really have no place complaining about the current trend in programming.

I'm sorry but I'm getting REALLY tired of every show feeling the need to suddenly have a gay character or storyline. I hate to admit it but I realise that gay is the 'flavour of the month' if you will, but having a gay character or plot line that isn't in keeping with the show overall is just asinine.

Don't get me wrong I think it's great that they're more willing to have a gay character in a series, or that they're occasionally willing to cover the hardships of being gay in a thought provoking and fact based manner, I just don't think EVERY show needs a gay character or plot line. At the current rate of 'coming out' story lines, it's painfully obvious they're bucking for the 'gay dollar.' Do they really believe that gays are going to flock to their advertisers simply due to a poorly wrought, unbelievable, gay character or plot line?

Does this current trend amount to any more than "gay for pay?"  Is there really any difference between adding a never before seen character to your line up and having him come out, never to be seen again, touting this coming out story to every media outlet in hopes of raising revenue and the idea of someone like Cody Cummings going only so far in the fantasy keeping gay boys hoping while garnering thousands of dollars in profits from his being a total tool? Granted a good looking tool but still he's a money whore. Are these shows any different?

There are shows where it makes sense. There are shows where the character development leaves you wondering and it seems only natural that the character eventually reveals they're gay. Yet there are others where no amount of creative genius will make you believe that this was the natural progression of this character or story.

While we're on the subject, gays come in every shape and size with varying interests and talents, they should also quit pigeonholing their characters into the stereotypes that the straight community will recognise as 'gay.' They don't all do it but many do and someone, apparently, needs to explain to them that they're not only doing their character a disservice but the LGBT community as a whole.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

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